Boclair’s Barbarian Games: A Highlight of Care Home Open Week Celebration

We have been celebrating the ‘Boclair Barbarian Games’ as part of the Care Home Open week which ran from 26th June to the 3rd July. Care Home Open Week provides care homes with the opportunity to show what they have to offer residents, showcasing their fantastic facilities, activities and services and reminding their local community that they are there if they need support.
As part of this Boclair Care Home took part in range of activities, Boclair Bathers, CAPA - Race around Millport as part of the CAPA (Care about Physical Activity) initiative, Boclair Barbarian Games and Bowls.
For the Boclair Barbarian Games (as named by our residents), there was an opening ceremony where each team walked through the home holding a sign with their team name on and waving the British flag. Everyone was very involved and it was clear to see that the teams were serious about giving their all into each game.

As part of the Barbarian Games, residents and staff were split into teams, to play a range of games including volleyball, bowling, basketball, 'hook the fish' and many more. These games were to get everyone moving, gain more independence, have some friendly competition and of course, have fun.

Some of our residents were given personalised dressing robes that said 'Boclair Bathers' which they thoroughly enjoyed showing off. These ladies visited the local swimming pool where they swam many laps of the pool, a great and gentle way to get some exercise.
Amidst the mayhem, we also celebrated a resident's birthday with lots of tasty food and a delicious cake made by our chef.

There was a closing ceremony to find out who the overall winning team was, to give out prizes, and to finish off the week of immense fun with a BBQ.
Congratulations to Leven Leaders who were the overall winners of the Barbarian Games!

A big thank you to all the Boclair staff who helped to make the week a huge success. Our residents had a blast and are keen to take part in more competitive games in the future. The week really helped residents to bond with one another, show their competitive side, work as a team, and get their minds working and bodies moving.
If you’d like to know more about our care at Boclair Care Home, please get in touch, our friendly team would be delighted to arrange a tour around our home for you.