Man Painting

Arts & Crafts

We encourage our residents to make new friends and form new bonds with residents with similar interests to them. A great way to utilise this is through our Arts & Crafts sessions held on a regular basis at Boclair. Our Activities Coordinator and team provide residents with a range of opportunities for them to take part and get creative, whilst being in a social environment.

Each of the activities we offer is tailored to our resident’s interests, motivating and inspiring them to let their creativity run free to create something meaningful for them. The variety of activities we offer can be anything from making themed paper crafts to colouring, painting, baking and so much more. Everybody is invited to take part, both residents and loved ones alike.

An All-Inclusive Activity For Everybody

Our Arts & Crafts programme is open to anybody who wishes to take part, even if you aren’t so creatively inclined. The majority of classes will have some direction and a goal in mind, but is open to interpretation of the individual so you can adapt this in a way that suits you the most. We encourage you to flourish with this creativity and share it with others, so keep our Arts and Crafts sessions open to the family and friends of our residents too. The benefits of this activity are endless, positively impacting resident wellbeing, and has no limits so people are free to personalise their crafts however they wish to.

Woman Sewing

A Wide Range of Facilities at Boclair

Our team strive to provide an environment where residents feel familiar and at home through our high-quality, personalised care approach. With our all-inclusive service, it means residents have complete access to the activities and equipment we have to offer without the worry of any additional costs. Residents are encouraged to form bonds with others at Boclair, as well as keep in touch with loved ones. We offer residents the opportunity to lead a rich and varied social life with our extensive range of facilities and activities.

Resident Doing Baking
Paintbrushes in Pot

What You’ll Find at Boclair

To ensure our residents’ comfort and well-being, our care home has been intentionally designed to offer a wide range of facilities and services that enable residents to lead fulfilling lives.

Art Supplies

Group Activity

Seasonal Crafts

Arts & Crafts FAQs

Any materials or tools a resident uses for their arts and crafts projects will be covered by our weekly fee.

Residents can get creative however they wish, however, examples of previously held arts & crafts include card making, collaging, clay making and painting.

Residents are allowed to keep any of the arts or crafts that they make. Staff may ask residents if they can display their work around the home.

Exemplary Care That Goes The Extra Mile

At Boclair, we take great pride in providing a wide variety of care services. We hold a strong belief that each resident should receive the highest standards of care care while also having the opportunity to pursue their hobbies, interests and build new friendships.

Contact Us

Boclair Care Home
Switchback Road
G61 1QN

0141 484 a TourDownload a Brochure

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